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North america in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+7Posted:2017-06-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: south americanafrican americanamericaAmericanPan-Americanamerican dreammesoamericalatin americaMeaning: n. 1. a continent (the third largest) in the western hemisphere connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama 2. the nations of the North American continent collectively. 
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(91) The school has high reputation in North America, especially as the first approved establishment in the department of mathematics colleges, and has the world's biggest educational program.
(92) Any of various perennial plants of the genus Uvularia in the lily family, native to eastern North America and having solitary, nodding, yellow bell-shaped flowers.
(93) According to Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun, the device is currently slated for a spring release in North America and Europe.
(94) In the middle Eocene formations of North America occurs the more specialized Uintatherium (or Dinoceras ), typifying the family Uintatheriidae.
(95) This consists of an L-shaped recovery for western Europe, a U-shaped one for North America and a V-shaped one for Brazil, Russia, India, China and the "next 11" emerging economies.
(96) Lake Huron is one of Great Lakes of North America. It's the second largest lake and locates in center.
(97) Lycopodium and related genera comprise the common clubmosses or (North America) ground pines.
(98) It is natural that March should be named after this god since in most of North America, it is a month of strong winds, rain, and storms.
(99) A tablespoon of human semen contains enough sperm to fertilize every woman in North America.
(100) The mountain pine beetle is one step closer to crossing North America and turning eastern pine forests into the same bleak landscapes that have scarred the Mountain West in recent years.
(101) Deer Rangifer tarandus of Arctic and subarctic regions, common to North America and Eurasia.
(102) Chipmunks are small squirrel-like rodents native to North America and Asia.
(103) Nearctic The biogeographical realm of North America, except southern (tropical) Mexico.
(104) The flathead Indians of North America used to bind the heads of babies between boards so they would have long sloping foreheads.
(105) The genus Lespedeza (Leguminosae) has about 60 species distributing from east Asia to northeast of Australia and in north America.
(106) European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
(107) A member of any of the Eskimo peoples of North America andand Greenland.
(108) A carnivorous mammal(Martes pennanti)of northern North America, having thick, dark - brown fur.
(109) A whitefish a slender body and short head, found in mountain streams of western North America.
(110) In the early 1900s, there were more than 7, 400 acres of commercial red currant fields in North America.
(111) A large evergreen tree ( Castanopsis chrysophylla ) of the Pacific Coast of North America.
(112) A small wood warbler (Vermivora peregrina) of North America, having greenish upper parts and a white underside.
(113) Maria Gunnoe of the Appalachian area West Virginia in the United States won from North America.
(114) After hatching in the salty Sargasso Sea, the eels swim to freshwater rivers in the United Kingdom and the East Coast of North America.
(115) Senecio jacobaea L. is found in Xinjiang province of China also in North America.
(116) The Dutch West India Company was an offshoot of the Dutch East India Company, which funded Henry Hudson's voyage to North America in 1609.
(117) Earthworms, to be precise—especially the common nightcrawler and the red marsh worm, creatures that did not exist in North America before 1492.
(118) A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens) of central North America, having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs.
(119) A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America.
(120) Any of various evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, native to the warmer regions of North America, having often tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers.
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